Fine instruments
Great Master Collection of Zoltán Délczeg
Milan, 2nd part of 18th century
Our fine and rare instruments from the most sought makers!
We offer fine instruments from Great Masters to our most demanding customers, concert artists,and collectors.
The instruments currently available in our private collection are in excellent condition and are of a high standard thanks to the work of our instrument maker-restorers.
In all cases, authenticity is confirmed by the opinions of well-known experts (Certificate of Authenticity), occasionally completed with dendrochronology reports.

Nicolas Lupot violin
Paris, 1798

Barnabás Kelemen
Our instruments are recommended by renowned concert artists
Our instruments are recommended by renowned concert artists, while we can make personalized fine adjustments according to the requests of our customers.
The instruments of our collection are available at fair prices, based on the value classification according to the international trend.
We can provide information about prices primarily for instrument buyers and serious inquirers.
Fine bows - from well-known French and German makers

G. Prager violin bow

G. Paulus violin bow

E. Ouchard violin bow

A. E. Prager violin bow

H. Dölling violin bow

W. A. Pfretzschner violin bow

G. Paulus violin bow

G. Prager violin bow

E. Ouchard violin bow
Wide selection of fine bows

Darius Music Shop and Workshop
Founded in 1993

Zoltán Délczeg
violin maker – expert

Darius Music Violin Shop and Workshop
Our shop is located near the Music Academy and the State Opera House, 1061 Budapest, Paulay Ede utca 58.